Islington Council has collated a comprehensive list of queries, grumbles, observations and suggestions from local residents and groups following the completion of the gyratory works. These have been presented to TfL and you can see their responses in a handy spreadsheet. PDF.
Kiat Phua, who has been campaigning to reinstate the right turn from St. John’s Way amongst other things, has sent us the documents she has received from TfL showing traffic counts on local roads. 23/2/16 ZIP file, containing 36 Excel documents & read me file. (1.7MB).
In an email to local residents, TfL Customer Service Adviser David Goudge explains the rationale behind the bus stands, U-turns and no-right-turn. 3/2/16 PDF (57kB).
n19air is a group of Archway residents campaigning for various changes to the gyratory plans, revolving around the issue of pollution. This is a synopsis of their meetings with other local organisations and their representations to TfL. 2/2/16 PDF (1.5MB).
The plans for the gyratory, entitled “Archway: planned improvements February 2016 - Summer 2017”, sent out with the start of works letter at the beginning of the bus consultation period. 11/1/16 PDF (1.6MB).
Formal response to the consultation on the proposals to remove the gyratory at Archway in a letter from Councillor Claudia Webbe (LBI Executive Member for Environment and Transport) to Boris Johnson. 13/1/15 (182kB).